The New Christmas Jumpers For 2021
After having nearly 2 years of not being able to celebrate, Christmas 2021 looks like it is going to be one of the biggest festive seasons to date. We ourselves have noticed a boom in Christmas jumper sales during this summer, we know customers are planning ahead by getting the novelty sweaters in the wardrobe, ready for the festivities :)
We created and added a few more sweaters to our Christmas Jumper range this year, the new designs are simple and bold. Since the 1980's when Christmas jumpers became popular they haven't change a huge amount, it was based around a family relative knitting jumpers and giving them to loved ones. In recent years this doesn't happen, which is a shame, the jumpers are all just manufactured and the personalised touch has been lost. We want to change this, our Christmas jumpers are all individually made to order by a member of the team, thus adding that personal touch.